Advent calls us to be alert

Today’s readings remind us that our lives are rather like a waiting-room, where we are confronted with both the preciousness and the fragility of our own lives, writes Christian Brother Julian McDonald.. We all know that our lives are also an experience of anticipating, expecting and hoping. Advent invites us to reflect on the importance of making the most of the present. - to be conscious of the importance of expressing our love and care and compassion and encouragement now.

Directing our talents towards the service of others

Every single one of us - child or adult, teacher or student. - has been entrusted by God with skills, talents and imaginations to direct towards bettering the world to which we belong. The challenge, of course, is to find the openness to risk embracing the vulnerability needed to involve ourselves with other people, thereby risking failure, criticism and, even, ridicule, writes Christian Brother Julian McDonald.