New National Direction for CRA

In 2016, the members of CRA decided to create a stronger national presence for Catholic religious in Australia. State peak religious conferences joined to become a more visible national presence as CRA became a more dynamic and active prophetic voice across the Church and the community. CRA is the recognised representative and point of contact, as the peak body for religious.

The leaders resolved that:

  • the purpose of the new CRA will focus on leadership and providing support to religious institute leadership, to ensure that religious life in Australia is animated and enriched;

  • CRA will take up the collective advocacy role, voice and action in many areas including justice, education and the environment, setting up new Committees to support leaders but also to influence church and society; and

  • the work of the new CRA will be undertaken in a manner which enables the distinctive charism of religious life to evolve, keeping alive the unique identity and independent prophetic voice of religious life within the Church and beyond.

New Logo, New CRA

CRA has a new logo to mark the emergence of a ‘new CRA’ as a national voice for religious throughout Australia. CRA has been working steadily to increase the voice of religious through action, building relationships, increasing expertise and sharing information. CRA is also working to increase its services to members through committee work, development opportunities and many other areas.

This logo concept incorporates the letters C R A into a continuous line to represent unity, continuity and moving forward together. The green dot in the A represents the organisation becoming one body. The symbol represents light and hope shining forth. The central star represents the Star of Bethlehem, Resurrection, the light of Christ, action, new dawn and moving forward. The light rising from the central star settles on the arc, which represents the world/people/community/the horizon. The star is surrounded by the southern cross, which represents Australia. Jesus – the cross - is at the centre of the star, and the centre of our purpose.

CRA logo 2018 Final [1000px] (1).png