The Secretariat facilitates, develops, drives and implements the initiatives of CRA. It provides leaders with services that promote the ministry of leadership in their congregations.

Anne Walker, cra National Executive Director

Anne began her career in corporate law, then moved to family law before commencing her ministry of working for the Church, in 2001. Following from her role as Special Counsel at the Catholic Commission for Employment Relations, Anne took up the positions of Chancellor and Director of the Office of Chancery Services at the Diocese of Broken Bay, where her responsibilities included the clergy of the Diocese, together with safeguarding. In both roles, she represented the Church in negotiations with government in varied areas including in successful negotiations to achieve significant amendments to Working with Children legislation and at Royal Commission roundtables. Anne has also consulted to various entities such as the Victorian government and Not-For-Profit organisations in relation to professional standards and governance.

Anne commenced as National Executive Director of CRA in August 2017. She was employed to lead the transition from state conferences of Religious to build a stronger, more effective peak body of Religious recognised nationally. Anne is passionate about the importance of Religious sisters, brothers and priests in the Catholic Church and wider Australian society and about the need for the prophetic voice of Religious to be heard and acted upon. Religious live and minister as the hands and feet of Jesus and their contribution across the country has been immeasurable. The urgent need for Justice, especially for the more vulnerable, and the call of the Gospel is at the heart of all Anne’s undertakings.

Stephen Middleton, Committees & Projects Coordinator

Stephen joined CRA in January 2022 with a 30-year background in communications software engineering and planning. Stephen graduated from Auckland University BSc (Computer Science). He immigrated to Australia in February 1990 and became a citizen in 1993.  In August 2015 he plunged into Church life, went through RCIA and was Baptised at Easter 2016. He is training as an acolyte and is a fifth-year aspirant to the permanent diaconate in the Paramatta diocese. He has completed a Graduate Certificate of Theological Studies with BBI-TAITE and his studies continue at Catholic Institute of Sydney and at the NSW College of Clinical Pastoral Education. As an aspirant, Stephen has been placed at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish St Marys NSW. He is passionate about evangelisation, prison ministry and adult faith formation. He is also an accomplished handyman, owner builder and enjoys cooking.

Teresa Pirola, Publications and Project Officer

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Teresa is a writer and ecclesial animator with many years involvement in Catholic faith formation at parish and diocesan levels and in independent lay initiatives. She is the author of several books and numerous discussion programmes used in pastoral renewal processes. She joined CRA in 2021, following seven years with the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay while completing a Doctorate in Theology (SCD) through the Catholic Institute of Sydney. Teresa has a particular interest in the importance of Jewish-Christian relations for the Church’s self-understanding and for societal cohesion. She is also a firm believer in the capacity of grassroots lay leadership to effect change and renewal, owing much of her own Catholic formation to the impact of ecclesial movements in the wake of the Second Vatican Council. Beyond work and ministry, outdoor exercise and beachside coffee are favourite pastimes.

Emma Baker, Policies and Projects Officer

Emma has a Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Laws and worked in family law and taxation before taking time away from her career to raise a family. More recently, Emma worked for the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay as the Team Leader for Life, Marriage, and Family. She is currently studying a Master of Administrative Law and Policy. Emma commenced work with CRA in 2022 and is passionate about advocating for the dignity of all people, particularly the vulnerable and marginalised. She also has a passion for evangelisation and is involved in running Alpha in her local parish. Outside of work, Emma enjoys reading, music and spending time with her family.

Emma Carolan, Justice Research Officer

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Emma commenced as the Justice Research Officer of Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) in September 2020. Upon completing a Bachelor of Theology (Hons.), Emma started her career as a Sessional Academic at the Australian Catholic University, and has taught a wide variety of units in biblical studies, studies of religions, Catholic Social Teaching, and sacramental theology. While embarking on a Master of Philosophy at the University of Sydney, examining Jewish-Catholic relations in Australia regarding the State of Israel, she also commenced teaching with the Department of Hebrew, Biblical and Jewish Studies at the University of Sydney.  Emma has a passion for justice and is currently completing a Graduate Diploma in Human Rights at the University of Sydney to further her understanding of effective methods of advocacy, and the important and unique role that Religious Institutes and Societies of Apostolic Life play, as a prophetic voice in the world and in creating a more just society. Emma enjoys cooking and nature walks with her dog.

Taylor Coutinho, Executive Administrator

Taylor graduated from Western Sydney University with a Bachelor of Business (Hospitality Management) in 2021. She joined CRA as the Team Administration Assistant in December of the same year, and became Executive Administrator in December 2022. Taylor is active in her local parish, playing a role in the liturgy team, as part of the music ministry and as a Youth Leader, working towards enriching the spiritual journey of young people in the Catholic Church. Taylor has previously volunteered with “Vinnies Van”, feeding the homeless in her local area and was a scripture teacher in her local state school. Her interests include watching NRL and cricket and spending time with her friends and family. 

Team Administrative Assistant

The role of CRA’s Team Administrative Assistant, is presently vacant.