God calls us to conversion in ourselves & our world

Traditionally, we take the Advent season as a time of preparation for the coming of Jesus into our lives, reflects Christian Brother Julian McDonald. If we are to allow Jesus to be born in our hearts, we can expect that he will nudge us to involve ourselves in changing what is crying out for change and conversion, not just in ourselves, but in our world. He is calling us to set to work to establish the kingdom of God where we live and work and socialise. That involves treating one another, especially those who are so often overlooked, with justice, respect, care and compassion.

The God who loves us is with us

The central message of today’s gospel, both for the disciples and for us is this, reflects Christian Brother Julian McDonald: no matter what troubles, disappointments and tragedies are visited upon us in the course of our lives, we can be sure that God, who loved us into life and who continues to love us day in and day out, will continue to walk beside us, even when those challenges don’t evaporate.

We all have something to give ...

This Sunday’s readings show us that if our discipleship of Jesus is genuine, if we, too, are true to the God whom Jesus and the two widows trusted, we have to be prepared to make some sacrifice, to make the effort to connect with the poor and destitute in our communities, reflects Christian Brother Julian McDonald. We all have something to give, not out of our abundance, but out of what we regard as essential - our gifts, our energy, our qualifications, our time to listen, to visit, to assist. For whom and for what are we prepared to make sacrifices? The answer to that has to find expression in meaningful action that touches people in need.