Daring to dream: religious life and the pearl of great price

I was recently visiting our Sisters in the Philippines and they recalled living in terror, some years ago, when people from around the world came night after night digging in areas surrounding their home looking for the Yamashita Treasure, writes CRA National Council member, Sister Philippa Murphy FDNSC. This name was given to the alleged war loot worth billions of dollars, stolen by imperial Japanese forces during WW2, and supposedly hidden in various cities in the Philippines.

Emma answers vocational calling and continues her 'Mercy story'

Emma Llewellyn takes great delight in saying her ‘Mercy story’ started when she was born at the Mercy Hospital in East Melbourne. Having taken first vows with the Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea (ISMAPNG) in January 2020, the 37-year-old marked her second significant milestone in November last year, when she renewed her vows, reports Melbourne Catholic.