Companions on the pathway of Consecrated Life

Over the course of January, I attended the solemn (final) professions of members of our Province who are in Korea and Vietnam. Such occasions are celebrated prayerfully, with great joy and hope and so they should be. We who have lived the journey of religious life might find ourselves musing on such occasions as to what we want to humbly offer from our limited wisdom to these younger travellers on the journey of religious life. I find the title of this e-publication, Pathways, provides a helpful image.  

CRA National Council calls us to share the peace of the Christ-child this Christmas

Catholic Religious Australia’s President, National Council Members, and National Executive Director have shared a video Christmas message, speaking of the hope the birth of Jesus Christ brought into our world in Bethlehem and continues to bring today, and urging each of us to share the life-changing joy of Christmas with those around us, and to be agents of peace.