Centred in God, Sent on Mission — Catholic Religious Australia
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Centred in God, Sent on Mission

  • Catholic Religious Australia (map)

Continuing Education eCourse for Vocation & Formation Ministers

 Like the first disciples who followed Jesus, we too are called to be centred in God and sent on mission. 

This eCourse is open to vocation and formation ministers, as well as leadership.  The eCourse will provide an opportunity for participants to explore topics related to accompanying women and men discerning Religious Life. 

Sessions will be held monthly from June through September 2022.  An optional short introductory session and “meet & greet” will be held prior to the first session.

Utilizing an adult learning model, participants will receive materials prior to each session (e.g., handout, links to videos, articles, podcasts, and questions for reflection) so as to encourage optimal participation when we gather via ZOOM.  Sessions (2 ½ hours) will include input, small conversation circles, and large group interaction.  Sessions will not be recorded.

Participation in Centred in God, Sent on Mission includes free access to SLIConnect: Resources for Healthy Life and Ministry for the duration of the course.  SLIConnect (https://www.sliconnect.org/) is a service of Saint Luke Institute and comprises over 100+ video courses designed to promote healthy life and ministry for members of religious congregations, ordained clergy, and all those ministering in the Church.

Thursday, 16 June 2022 (optional session - short introductory session and “meet & greet”)
Part 1: Monday, 27 June 2022
Part 2: Monday, 25 July 2022
Part 3: Monday, 22 August 2022
Part 4: Monday, 12 September 2022

Time zones:
8:30am (ACST) SA
7:00am (AWST) WA

Duration: 2.5 hours

Mode: Online via Zoom

Topics of Exploration

Part 1: Emotional Intelligence and Cultural Intelligence: Bedrock of Interculturality
Emotional intelligence and cultural intelligence form the bedrock for authentic intercultural living.  Assessing the readiness and capacity for authentic intercultural living is essential for those discerning Religious Life.  We will explore how emotional and cultural intelligence can be identified and then strengthened during the years of initial formation.

Part 2: Sexual Integration: The Capacity for Fruitful Celibate Living
The capacity for fruitful celibate living is influenced by one’s sexual integration.  That is, knowing and accepting one’s sexual identity and living one’s reality with integrity.  We will explore how healthy sexual integration graces new members (and “old” as well!) with energy and passion for being vibrant and fruitful ministers of the Gospel.

Part 3: Formative Conversations: The Heart of the Formative Journey
The formative journey is, at its core, a type of relational learning!  Formative conversations, those frequent and ongoing opportunities for personal accompaniment, lie at the very heart of the formative journey.  We will explore topics such as honoring resistance, reflective practice, and distinguishing the similarities and differences between formative conversations, spiritual direction, and counseling.

Part 4: Maximizing Ministry Experiences in Initial Formation
Ministry experiences during initial formation are a vital component in discerning a religious vocation.  How an individual is prepared for such an experience, the type of accompaniment during the experience itself, as well as the follow-up reflections and conversations about the experience are of utmost importance.  We will explore several ways to maximize ministry experiences during the phases of initial formation from candidacy/ postulancy through temporary profession.

Fee: $260.00 AUD

RSVP: Sunday, 15 May 2022

Since 1994, Mary Pat Garvin, RSM, Ph.D., has ministered both nationally and internationally in the field of vocation and formation ministry, explicitly focusing on the education of vocation and formation ministers. Sr. Mary Pat has published numerous articles on vocation discernment and formation in Horizon: Journal of the National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC), In-Formation: Magazine of the Religious Formation Conference (RFC), Religious Life Asia, Vita Consecrata and Human Development. In 2017

Sr. Mary Pat was the recipient of the Religious Formation Conference’s “Penet Award” for her contribution to formation ministry both nationally and internationally.  Having served on her congregation’s general leadership team she works with religious congregations worldwide and currently teaches in the School of Professional Psychology and Family Therapy at Seton Hall University in the USA.  Sr. Mary Pat is a Fellow in Human Formation with Saint Luke Institute in Silver Spring, Maryland.  Her research interest is the interplay of spirituality and psychology in the promotion of a healthy and holy living of Religious Life.

Enquiries: Taylor Coutinho
Ph: 02 9557 2695
Email: secretariat@catholicreligious.org.au