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In a world where cyber-attacks on organisations large and small appear common place, corporate data breaches expose the personal information of hundreds of thousands of people to the dark web, and digital identity theft is increasingly widespread. We need the knowledge to distinguish the myths from the reality and the methods to avoid the attention of cybercriminals.
Ernie, our speaker, has insight into the particular issues relevant to Religious Institutes. He will set the scene and take us through what should be done to get the best outcomes in cyber security. Ernie will cover these and other topics: Status of Cybercrime in Australia and globally, 2023 cybersecurity trends, and what to watch out for, e.g. insurance, risk, banking issues, scams; credit card, phone, email, toll scams, systems protection.
Date: Wednesday, 4 October 2023
Time: 2.00pm to 4.30pm
Mode: Online (Zoom link will be sent to registrants prior to the event)
Cost: $40.00 per person
Speaker: Ernie Zibert, Senior ICT Consultant at Pitcher Partners
RSVP: Monday, 29th September 2023
Registration: Please click here to register
Gillian Lee, CRA Ph: 02 9557 2695
E: details to be provided
About Ernie Zibert…
Ernie brings more than thirty years of global experience and thought to leadership of IT Services.
He has extensive experience in Catholic Education IT Services, and Not-for-Profit organisations, and is the current CIO for the Marists Star of the Sea Province, formerly the CIO for the Loreto Ministries Limited and the Australian Franciscan Friars.
He has successfully undertaken numerous engagements with CEnet and is a member of the CNA Commercial Working group. Ernie has also worked extensively with Local, State, and the Federal Government on numerous transformational IT initiatives. In Australia, Ernie was the Strategic Sourcing Manager at Optus, COO of Datacom, and National Operations Manager at Data#3.
Ernie has an MBA (AGSM), with majors in Finance and Marketing and brings an excellent fusion of behavioural sciences and IT Change Management key competencies. He is the author or more than 15 ebooks on IT Services and the author of two fictional novellas.
Finally, Ernie brings a unique insight into today’s current Cybersecurity landscape and how to efficaciously implement sound security practices into your organisation.