The senseless acts of violence which took place in Colombo, Negombo and Batticaloa on Easter Sunday, 21 April 2019 has sent shock waves through communities around the world. On behalf of Catholic religious women and men around Australia, I offer my sincere condolences to all those whose relatives and friends lost their lives in this vicious attack.
Cuts to Overseas Aid will Trap Developing Pacific countries into Further Debt
The Federal Government has cut overseas aid for the sixth successive year. In addition, its rushed Export Finance and Insurance Corporation Amendment Bill 2019 will trap developing Pacific countries into further debt by restructuring much of the aid into loans for projects in the Pacific. Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) stands against this Amendment Bill.
Message from the President of CRA regarding the tragedy in Christchurch NZ
The senseless acts of violence which took place in the two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand on Friday 15 March 2019 has sent shock waves through communities around the world.
On behalf of Catholic religious women and men around Australia, I offer my sincere condolences to all those whose relatives and friends lost their lives in this vicious attack.
Progress made by Catholic Religious Institutes to enter National Redress Scheme
“Sixty religious institutes and dioceses with the highest number of claims according to Royal Commission data, have demonstrated a high level of commitment to the NRS: they have either been declared as participating institutions, submitted their documentation and are awaiting a Ministerial declaration or are preparing documents for submission,” added Sr Monica.