Message from the President of Catholic Religious Australia to the Sri Lankan Community in Australia

The senseless acts of violence which took place in Colombo, Negombo and Batticaloa on Easter Sunday, 21 April 2019 has sent shock waves through communities around the world.

On behalf of Catholic religious women and men around Australia, I offer my sincere condolences to all those whose relatives and friends lost their lives in this vicious attack. We offer prayers and blessings to those who died, those who are injured, those who are grieving and to emergency personnel who attended the scenes.

We hold the Sri Lankan community in prayer, both in Sri Lanka and Australia, and join with Pope Francis in his heartfelt solidarity with the Sri Lankan community in the wake of these horrendous acts. We condemn all forms of violence, extremism and terror. We pray for peace, for healing and the return of stability in Sri Lanka.