The three member organisations of Australian Catholic Safeguarding Limited have welcomed the appointment of Ursula Stephens as the chief executive officer of the recently-formed company.
WATAC to host Gathering of Women Members of Plenary Council
Women and the Australian Church (WATAC) in partnership with Australian Catholic University (ACU) and Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) have invited women members of the Fifth Plenary Council of the Catholic Church in Australia to a gathering which will enable them to meet each other for conversation and sharing in the leadup to the Plenary Council.
CRA calls for Enshrinement of an Indigenous Voice in the Australian Constitution
CRA Against COVID-19 Vaccine Nationalism
Gratitude, enthusiasm and confidence - 200 years of Catholic Education
‘…recall the past with gratitude, live the present with enthusiasm and look to the future with confidence’ (Novo Millennio Ineunte n. 1). This phrase from St John Paul II is a most appropriate way to acknowledge the 200th anniversary of Catholic education in Australia and to celebrate the continuing collaboration of Religious Institute, Ministerial Public Juridic Person (MPJP) and Diocesan systems of schools.