National Day of Sorrow and Promise observed around Australia

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Catholic religious women and men gathered with their communities in solidarity in different cities and towns across the country recently. They gathered to recognise survivors of abuse within the Catholic Church and all those who have been hurt by that abuse. The purpose of the day was also to promise a safer Church for all.

CRA provided a liturgy resource for religious communities to use on the National Day of Sorrow and Promise, observed on Sunday, October 20, with each community invited to add their own character and make the liturgy their own. Sister of Charity, Anne Mayberry is pictured (below) placing her prayer, in her cupped hands, into a bowl of water, symbolising the promise of new ways of being. Anne was accompanied by Sr Margaret Guy RSC and Sr Margaret Valentine RSC. The experience of sharing prayer and ritual was powerful and spiritually noursihing.

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“CRA believes that the National Day of Sorrow and Promise is a visible reminder of the deep impact that sexual abuse and abuse of power has had on thousands of lives over many decades in Australia,” said CRA National Executive Director, Anne Walker.

“The impact on religious has been profound, and they have felt great anguish in the face of the realities of the damage the Church has caused. Religious in Australia are committed to ensuring that such a catastrophe never happens again.

“This overwhelming societal wound needs to be acknowledged so that healing can occur. We remember, we apologise, we pray, we learn from our mistakes and we work towards a safer future.”