CRA Drought Appeal funds already at work helping families in need

The dry paddocks in Rushworth, Victoria.

The dry paddocks in Rushworth, Victoria.

Religious and religious institutes in Australia have donated a record amount for drought relief in this year’s Catholic Religious Australia Drought Appeal, with the funds being distributed to communities and families who are doing it tough on the land.

Just before Christmas, $160,000.00, donated by religious and religious institutes, was distributed to religious working in rural ministry in towns in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania.

This appeal, initially conducted by CLRI(NSW) and now by CRA, has been held since 2008 and this is the largest amount ever received.

Religious are asked to distribute the money as they see fit, utilising vouchers from town businesses, which has the benefit of keeping money in the town.

Families in Numurkah, Victoria were grateful for the drought appeal assistance.

Families in Numurkah, Victoria were grateful for the drought appeal assistance.

Sr Nellie Versluys RSJ in Rushworth, Victoria says the funds have already been put to good use in the dairy farming area in which she ministers, which once had lush green pastures.

“Now we have very expensive water bills and fodder bills for the cows, on top of low milk prices. Some people are desperate!” she says.

“[Thankyou.] With a very grateful heart and on behalf of all who got a gift.”

Sr Cathy Dean RSJ and Sr Janet Nolan RSJ in Nurmurkah, Victoria say they spoke to the local Catholic school principal about families who would genuinely benefit from some support. 

“Among these are families who are the most poor and are supported by the school community on a day by day basis and also farming families who are seriously affected by the drought and the water predicament here in the Murray Basin,” she says.

Red dust in the Western Pastoral Districts of Rockhampton Diocese, Queensland.

Red dust in the Western Pastoral Districts of Rockhampton Diocese, Queensland.

“The $3,500 dollars, you sent, became 14 x $250 dollars IGA gift cards for distribution to the families.  The groceries will ease the struggle and bring a little Christmas joy into their lives. Please pass on our thanks to Catholic Religious Australia for their support of the families of Numurkah.”  

Sr Joan Cowmeadow RSJ in Cygnet, Tasmania says she took the cheque to the IGA store in Cygnet and purchased $100 and $200 gift cards to the value of $2000.

“I will distribute the vouchers to families in the district prior to Christmas. I already have a number of families in mind and have asked the school principal if he could advise me of any families he is aware of that I might not realise are struggling.”

Sr Teresa Keane RSJ in Bombala, NSW says the cheque for $1500 she received from CRA has been distributed to some needy recipients of Bombala/Delegate where she ministers.

The drought appeal assistance is distributed by religious to needy families in the area.

The drought appeal assistance is distributed by religious to needy families in the area.

She distributed five $200 IGA vouchers plus six $50 vouchers to the local butcher for needy recipients in Bombala. And in Delegate, Teresa distributed four vouchers from the Delegate Convenience Store/Café and four vouchers from Delegate General Store to needy families.

“All these recipients were extremely grateful for the unexpected help received at a difficult time,” she says.

And in Queensland, Sr Mary Farrelly SM who ministers in the Western Pastoral Districts of Rockhampton says fuel vouchers will provide some help to three young contractors (based in a tiny town) who are finding it tough because on the one hand, with the drought there is less money to employ them and on the other hand, they have to travel long distances to such sites and to maintain their heavy machinery.

“Health issues add to the difficulty and need of some people. There are travel costs to the coast for treatment and check-ups,” she says.

Kilometre after kilometre of dry paddocks in Victoria.

Kilometre after kilometre of dry paddocks in Victoria.

“I gave a fuel voucher for one of the families with a little one year old requiring surgery for a cleft palate and food voucher to a couple where the husband had to travel and be away for dialysis.

“I  gave food vouchers to two young women in different areas. Someone who had the confidence of one, said that she ‘sat down on the Post Office steps and cried when she opened the envelope’.

“Boarding school adds to the demands on families living out here. Secondary schooling is limited. Those out of town 50, 60, 100km and more, can’t access the schools anyway. Fuel vouchers were much appreciated.”

Following is the list of disbursements by state:









South Australia


Western Australia


Northern Territory


TOTAL = $160,000.00