Australian Jesuit Fr Justin Glyn is featured in the latest episode of a Vatican video series highlighting the lives and contributions of people with disability in the Church.
“Since I was born I have been legally blind. I get a little bit of vision from the telescopes I wear but the world has always been a blur to me and most of my information about it comes from what I hear,” Fr Glyn says in the video.
Fr Justin Glynn SJ in the video from the Vatican’s Dicastery for Family, Laity and Life.
It is the fourth video in the #IamChurch series, an initiative of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life as part of the Amoris Laetitia Family Year.
In his reflection, Fr Glyn discusses the blessings his disability has brought to his life, such as having a good memory, and addresses the issue of limitations.
“As a priest I have found that having a disability is a good reminder that all of us are limited. I do not come to people thinking I have all the answers but I am well aware that we are all dependent on one other,” Fr Glyn says.
“It reminds me that we are not called to perfection as individuals. No! All of us are called to share with each other the limited, wounded nature which we believe Christ came to share with us and unite with his own.
“Our limitations are not misfortunes or punishments, but are part of the secret of our condition as human beings who, in their own way, share the image of God and together build the Body of Christ. It is in this perspective that, when speaking of disability in the life of the Church, it is possible to say, finally, ‘we’ and not ‘they’.”
This article is an abridged form of an article published by the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, (via CathNews).