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Building Bridges: Reaching out to our LGBTQIA+ community with James Martin SJ


This online conversation with James Martin SJ will explore how the Church in Australia can do more to welcome and truly respect and enhance the dignity of all, honouring the diversity in humanity.

Globally, people who are LGBTQIA+ are at increased risk of depression, suicide, and verbal, physical and sexual harassment and abuse. James recognised a lack of Church advocacy on these issues following the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting in the USA, noticing that few Catholic Bishops publicly spoke out about the massacre.

This prompted him to consider how the Church could better minister to LGBTQIA+ Catholics, discussed in his book, Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity (2017).

Date & Time zones: Tuesday 26 October 2021

  • 10.00am Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) used in ACT, NSW, TAS and VIC (during Daylight Savings)

  • 9.30am Australian Central Daylight Time (ACDT) used in SA

  • 9.00am Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) used in QLD

  • 8.30am Australian Central Standard Time (ACST) used in NT

  • 7.00am Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) used in WA

Download the flyer for more information.

Speaker: James Martin SJ

Format: Online presentation, followed by Q&A

Duration: 1 hour

Registration Fee: Free of charge

Registration deadline: COB Monday 25 October

Zoom links: The link is included in the Trybooking confirmation when you register. It will also be sent the day prior to the email address on your registration.

Enquiries: by email: or by phone: 02 9557 2695