Justice News - Articles
Some things anyone can do in 2022 to strengthen Australia’s foundations by supporting Australia’s First Peoples include:
· Support and sign up to support the Uluru Statement of the Heart (https://ulurustatement.org/the-statement), which endorses truth-telling and enshrining a Voice to Parliament in the Constitution;
· Seek out your local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community to share their stories at your organisation, school or parish;
· Attend Mass at an Aboriginal and Islander Catholic Ministry. A list of these ministries can be found at https://www.natsicc.org.au/your-state--territory.html
· Install an acknowledgement plaque in a prominent place in your organisation, school or parish
· Acknowledge First Australians before Masses in your parish
· Deepen your understanding of January 26 and what it means to be Australian through the upcoming NITV and SBS programming slate, Always Was, Always Will Be. https://www.sbs.com.au/nitv/article/2022/01/12/nitv-and-sbs-invite-australia-join-them-deepening-their-understanding-january-26
· Undertake Cross Cultural Competency training to learn more about Australia’s First Peoples.
· Watch the ‘Australia Day Views by First Nation Catholics’ interview produced by Evangelisation Brisbane and featuring NATSICC’s Sabrina Stevens alongside Cynthia Rowan, Dean Parkin and Archbishop Mark Coleridge.
The Painful Truth here
Australian Identity here.
An Opportunity to Listen: Exploring 26th January (full interview) can be viewed here
Republished with permission from NATSICC