Media Release in support of the missionary work of Sr Patricia Fox

Click here for a PDF version of this statement:  Media Release in support of Sr Patricia Fox


In 2013, Pope Francis wrote that being a Missionary was at the very heart of being a Catholic, a parish or a Catholic Institution. For the past 27 years, Sr Patricia Fox, the Superior of the Our Lady of Sion Order has been living these ideals as a Missionary to the poor and marginalised in the Philippines.

We applaud the missionary work of Sr Patricia over these many years, bringing the face of Christ to our Philippine sisters and brothers. Standing in solidarity with the poorest of the poor, Sr Patricia has contributed to many agricultural projects in order to empower ordinary people to take charge of their lives and work towards the alleviation of poverty.

We believe Sr Patricia has, during her 27 years in the Philippines, been an exemplar of the core principles of Catholic Social Teaching, in her actions to support the Human Dignity of each person, the Common Good of all, and Solidarity between Australia and the Philippines.

We are dismayed at the news of the cancellation of her Missionary Visa. This action will curtail or prevent her from the important work of bringing about the Kingdom of God.

We stand in solidarity with all those who work to enhance the human dignity of God’s children, and in particular at this time, Sr Patricia Fox.

We pray and hope that she will be allowed by the Philippine government to continue her good work amongst the poorest of the poor.
