A Catalyst for Conversation that Focuses on a Transparent and Vibrant Church

As the Second Assembly of the Plenary Council approaches, Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) will deliver the third and final ‘conversation,’ as part of its exploration of Light from the Southern Cross Report. The online event, Accountability & Transparency will be held on 18 May 2022, featuring Susan Pascoe AM and Claire Victory as the keynote speakers.

Susan Pascoe AM, Adjunct Professor at the University of Western Australia

“Accountability and transparency need to be reflected in the administrative and governance practices of all church bodies. They are critical to promoting co-responsible governance for the Church,” said Susan Pascoe AM, Adjunct Professor at the University of Western Australia and co-author of the Report.

“In this online conversation, I’m going to consider what that could look like,” she added.

Claire Victory, National President of the St Vincent de Paul Society and member of the Plenary Council, says she is excited about the opportunity to be part of this discussion, focusing as it does on accountability and transparency.

Claire Victory, National President of the St Vincent de Paul Society

“The Report gives us great tools to use to craft the Church into a force for good in contemporary Australia, and there is still hope for the Plenary Council to be a useful and productive exercise if we build on this important work that has already been done rather than starting from scratch as the First Assembly seemed to do.”

The first two events attracted around 150 participants, including Plenary Council members, Religious Leaders and teams, lay leaders in the Church, parishioners, educators, and others interested in the future of the Church – the event is open to all.

“The feedback from participants in the first two conversations show that these online events have opened the way for group and individual reflection and brought hope to the People of God about the future of the Church,” said Anne Walker, CRA National Executive Director and facilitator of each event.

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To find out more about the event, click here.

MEDIA ENQUIRIES: Sylvia MacRitchie-Hook | M: 0410 644 356 | E: comms@catholicreligious.org.au