CRA promotes conversation in Church on matters concerning LGBTQIA+

At the invitation of Catholic Religious Australia (CRA), Dr James Alison, a prominent theologian and author, will be speaking at events around the country from 18 September to 18 October 2023, to promote conversation and outreach in the Church on matters concerning LGBTQIA+ people.  

The National Council of CRA decided to bring James Alison, a British theologian, author and speaker, to nurture truthful dialogue in the Church regarding matters LGBTQIA+, in the hope that better understanding may lead towards improved pastoral practice.

CRA has been encouraged by two recent historic events affecting the future, the role and relevance of the Catholic Church in Australia: Pope Francis' invitation to enter into a synodal journey and the Plenary Council of Australia. Both call for a more inclusive, participatory and synodal Church which dialogues.

Since the beginning of his papacy, Pope Francis has been promoting a more pastoral approach to the position of LGBTQIA+ people in the church. At the recent World Youth Day in Portugal, he reiterated that the church is for everyone (“Todos! Todos! Todos!”). The issue has also found its way into the Instrumentum Laboris (working document) for the forthcoming synod meeting in Rome, which speaks of “walking with people instead of talking about them or solely at them.”

In the Final Report of the Plenary Council, ending discrimination and having greater inclusion for members of the LGBTQIA+ community was a significant topic discussed during the Plenary Council.

James Alison will be sharing a vision of an inclusive, psychologically healthy Christian life that is scripturally based, theologically orthodox, and ecclesially grounded. He will be focusing on how to facilitate transparency and psychological well-being as part of coping with change in self-understanding in this area.

Through CRA’s collaborative efforts with other organisations, and the support of Catalyst for Renewal, James Alison has over 20 speaking engagements in Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane and Perth from September to October 2023, listed on the CRA website.

James Alison is available for interview while in Australia.

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Sylvia MacRitchie-Hook | M: 0410 644 356 | E: