The Global Catholic Climate Movement is inviting Catholics around the world to join them this Lent in embarking upon a journey of ecological conversion through reflection, repentance and renewal.
Lent is a time of preparation for Easter and the celebration of the Paschal Mystery. It can be for many Christians the most important time to reflect on one’s relationship with God and how we are living our faith.
Image: Shutterstock.
Laudato Si’ Lent features weekly reminders and ideas about how you can live this journey of ecological conversion, including opportunities to connect with others through retreats, webinars, and prayer services.
Throughout #LaudatoSiLent, you’ll also find suggested activities on the Lenten calendar.
Each week will feature a “mini-fast” that will help all of us reduce our ecological footprint and reflect on our relationship with God and all creation.
We have ruptured our relationship with creation, and we will express our sorrow for our actions.
But by committing to concrete changes, we’ll reduce our ecological footprint and inspire our sisters and brothers around the world to join us in this conversion process!
“Christian spirituality proposes an alternative understanding of the quality of life, and encourages a prophetic and contemplative lifestyle, one capable of deep enjoyment free of the obsession with consumption” (LS 222).
To find out more information or to join the Laudato Si’ Lent initiative, click here.