National Mass to celebrate 200 years of Catholic education

A National Mass will be celebrated simultaneously across Australia on May 24, the Feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians, to mark the bicentenary of the first 'official' Catholic school opened in Parramatta in October 1820.

National Catholic Education executive director Jacinta Collins said the National Mass would be a highlight of the bicentenary year.

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"As a faith community, our National Mass to celebrate 200 years of Catholic education holds significant meaning, particularly on the Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians - the Patroness of Australia," Ms Collins said.

"The scale of Catholic education in Australia is unique in the world, serving over 777,000 students and employing over 100,000 staff.

"We are blessed to have the support of governments and our families that ensures we can make a Catholic education accessible to families in every major town and city, and in many regional, rural and remote parts of Australia," she said.

Masses will be held with school representation in most Cathedrals across Australia, as well as a number of individual parishes and schools. Live streaming of some Masses will also be available for school communities who cannot attend a live Mass including live from St Mary’s Cathedral Sydney from 10:15am AEST: via

"While the current COVID environment prohibits a large-scale Mass like World Youth Day in Sydney, we hope that all members of our school communities and families will join together in the joyous liturgical celebration at a Cathedral or parish Mass, or via the live streaming options available," Ms Collins said.

The Prime Minister Scott Morrison has provided a written message and video message of congratulations to the Catholic education community for the occasion, which will be made available on 24 May 2021.

For more information on the Bicentenary of Catholic Education in Australia, visit the NCEC’s website.