Columbans invite school students 'To hope and act with Creation'

The Columbans have invited primary and secondary school students in Australia to participate in their 2024 Season of Creation school competition, which focuses on the theme, ‘To hope and act with Creation.’

“Our lives and those of everything around us, are part of the ongoing creativity of the Creator’s plan,” said Fr Peter O’Neil, Regional Director of Oceania.

“Our everyday choices help shape what comes next toward the common good of people and all creation.

“Many people of all ages are committed to acting for the community of life. Immersing ourselves in creation and being open to new insights, consuming responsibly, limiting waste, taking part in the restoration of land and waterways, becoming citizen scientists, creating art and telling stories about the places we love and care for are ways anyone can get involved.”

The subject of each entry must address the theme, ‘To hope and act with Creation’ and one or more of the following questions:

o   What new life do you hope to see for creation? 

o   How do you and/or a person or group who inspires you, act to be restorers of creation? Describe the positive outcomes for the whole community of life. 

o   How does faith inspire your commitments? OR Do you have a prayer for creation? 

For more information on how to enter and the rules of the competition, visit the website of the St Columban’s Mission Society in Oceania.