Fundraiser 'raising the roof' to help survivors of slavery find a safe place to call home

Ahead of the United Nations World Day Against Trafficking in Persons on July 30, the Sisters of Charity Foundation has launched a campaign to “Raise the Roof” for survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking in Australia.

The Sisters of Charity Foundation’s Raise the Roof Giving Weekend, July 28–31, aims to raise awareness about modern slavery and fundraise for its Modern Slavery Transitional Housing Program to help survivors of modern slavery find a safe place to call home.

The Sisters of Charity Foundation and The Salvation Army’s Modern Slavery Transitional Housing Program has been operating since February 2020 to provide transitional housing assistance and casework support to survivors.

“Every dollar donated to Raise the Roof will go toward helping a survivor of slavery set up their own home, contributing to rent, furniture and support from caseworkers,” said Sisters of Charity Foundation chief executive officer Louise Burton. 

“With this campaign we will raise community awareness about modern slavery in Australia – as well as help survivors take back control, become independent, and start a new life free from exploitation.”

The Sisters of Charity Foundation is dedicated to the development of life-changing social justice programs that provide compassion, hope and practical assistance to people experiencing financial hardship. The foundation feeds, houses, and educates some of the most disadvantaged, marginalised and socially-isolated people in our community.

This article is drawn from a media release issued by the Sisters of Charity Foundation (via CathNews).