Every year, on the first Sunday in July, Catholics come together across Australia to acknowledge and celebrate the gifts of Australia’s First Peoples in the Catholic Church. As we approach the vote on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament, it has never been more important for Catholics to come together and listen to Australia’s First Peoples, says NATSICC.
“In Australia we are blessed to be home to the world's oldest continuing Culture and the resources that we have created and collated will assist you to celebrate this very important day on our Liturgical Calendar,” says NATSICC on its website.
‘Jesus the Living Water’ by Troy Mardigan (Daly River). IMAGE: NATSICC.
A 24-page, full-colour booklet for National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday 2023 has been designed to help schools, parishes and organisations celebrate the gifts of First Australian Catholics.
The NATSICC Liturgy team has compiled prayers, Liturgy suggestions, homily notes and statistics that will enhance and enrich local celebrations.
Additionally, there is a practical activity that calls for Catholics around Australia to knit/crochet blankets for the NATSICC Palliative Care package program.
The 2023 theme for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday is ‘A New Life in Christ’.
It relates to the transformative possibilities that come when we walk God’s Way of love.
At this time in Australia’s Reconciliation journey, we see signs of new life – the Uluru Statement’s invitation to walk together “for a better future” is being taken up and its call to join in listening, truth-telling and agreement making is growing louder.
This article is drawn from information available on the NATSICC website section which hosts resources for National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday.