CRA President, Fr Peter Jones OSA.
November - Spring , Jacarandas, the sense of the end of the year drawing near and our prayers for our loved ones who have gone before us.
An appreciation of this month probably deepens for each of us as the years pass by on our own journey. We pray for our deceased out of faith - that God in Christ as been revealed as Absolute Life. We pray for our deceased out of hope - that each of us is being drawn to that profound union with God and one another in God for which we are destined. We pray for our deceased out of love - we desire for others that for which we long for ourselves.
We carry in our hearts deceased family members and friends. We carry many others whether known or unknown.
In this brief reflection and in light of our common bond as Religious I focus on the significance of remembering in prayer the deceased members of our religious congregations.
As a young Religious there were several older confreres of my Order who were inspirational guides and friends. Diverse, not perfect but possessing humanity and warmth - I miss them. When I remember them in prayer it is with gratitude. In the challenges that naturally come as the years of youthful zeal give way to a more mature appreciation of the complexities of life and faith, the memory of the faithfulness of those who have undertaken this journey ahead of us is of great importance. Our responsible engagement in life is of immense significance and the fullness of life to which we are called is of ultimate significance. Those who have gone before us witnessed to both these truths. Where they are, we are called to follow.
May our sister and brother Religious who have passed before us Rest In Peace.
Peter Jones