Retreat, online seminar to explore question of women's inclusion in the diaconate

The webinar exploring the question of women’s inclusion in the diaconate will be held on the Feast of St Phoebe.

Australian Catholics Exploring the Diaconate are preparing a retreat from September 1 to 3 focusing on one of the questions in the recently released Instrumentum Laboris for the Synod of Bishops on the call for consideration of women’s inclusion in the diaconate, a part of which will include an online seminar, open to all on September 3. 

Sister of Mercy Elizabeth Young, founder of Australian Catholics Exploring the Diaconate and blogger of Liturgy on the Margins, said Catholic Religious have paved many ways forward for the people of faith in Australia.

“They have contributed to a compassionate and just society as a natural outcome of the mission of Jesus. Today they are also helping new forms of religious leadership and ministerial roles come to birth,” she said.  

Sr Elizabeth said that in October of 2023 and 2024, Bishops and, for the first time, other voting members will meet in a Synod in Rome. Their Agenda will be formed around the recently released Instrumentum Laboris. Among other questions for discussion is this one:

“Most of the Continental Assemblies and the syntheses of several Episcopal Conferences call for the question of women’s inclusion in the diaconate to be considered. Is it possible to envisage this, and in what way?”

“In this vein, the group Australian Catholics Exploring the Diaconate has been preparing a retreat that addresses this very topic,” she said.

“It will be held over the weekend of the Feast of St Phoebe, the Deacon named in Romans 16:1, the 1st to the 3rd of September.

“The group will draw inspiration from St Mary MacKillop, that pioneer Australian Religious leader, as they gather at the place of her grave: Mary MacKillop Place, North Sydney. 

Guest speaker will be Dr Debra Snoddy. PHOTO: Catholic Institute of Sydney website.

“Women and men are invited to explore the spirituality of the permanent diaconate within a retreat setting, and alongside ordained Deacons, clergy and formators. It will be an opportunity for those interested in discerning the calling in the future, or simply to reflect on their journeys of faith and ministry.”  

Sr Elizabeth said that on the Feast of St Phoebe, Sunday September 3, Catholic Religious Australia is supporting a seminar that is part of the retreat but also broadcast as a Webinar available to anyone for free. From 11:15am-12:00pm AEST, participants will hear about the retreat experience and learn from guest speaker, Dr Debra Snoddy (Lecturer in Biblical Studies, Catholic Institute of Sydney) about “St Phoebe and Women in the early Church, inspiration for a synodal Church today.”  

The event coincides with global Feast of St Phoebe celebrations, especially organised by the organisation Discerning Deacons.  

“Together, they are dreaming about what the Church could look like, with all the baptised enabled to live out their faith and minister for the good of the world,” Sr Elizabeth said.  

To learn more or to register for the Retreat (1-3 September) or the Webinar (3 September), please visit