Reflections from Rome

CRA President Br Gerard Brady CFC

Dear Friends,

Greetings to you from Rome where CRA Vice President Philippa Murphy FDNSC, National Executive Director Anne Walker and I have been engaged in meeting with various Vatican Departments (Dicasteries) in the past week. Being my first experience, I was unsure what would occur and what might be the benefit of such an opportunity. 

Rome in March is filled with pilgrims making their way from all parts of the globe to journey in hope. Following a centuries old tradition of walking together in prayer, penance and fellowship, it was very evident to me that this was a faith journey for people of all ages. I would have loved the opportunity to stop and talk with such a diverse population; and ask, what it was that was drawing them into this spiritual experience? From early morning to late in the evening, pilgrims gathered in St Peter’s square to pray and walk through the Holy Door of St Peter’s. To watch as they intently walked the journey, many bearing a wooden cross and praying together, was inspiring. 

The evenings were something else. The Romani Populi gathered to pray with their beloved Papa Francesco. Hundreds of all ages and cultures filled the square, reverently entering into the praying of the mantra of the Rosary and the Litany of Our Lady. Coming from a more secular society, I was intrigued by the serene feeling of those gathered and their clear intent to be together in devotion with their Papa whom they love. 

Our meetings with the various Vatican Departments immersed us in the evolving nature of Church. Time and again we kept hearing how each department was keen to hear from us, to engage with us and to learn about what it is that matters in our Australian context. The conversations were respectful and at times quite challenging as we were asked to consider what needs to be the role of Religious today in the local and universal Church. It struck me how much we are neededas a leaven amongst the people of God, seeking ways within our local communities to be synodal. 

One Cardinal expressed it as being an accompanying presence, listening to the people on the ground and providing ways of engaging them in being church in their local regions, parishes and diocese. I was led to reflect further on how I might become more involved in my local community of parish and be a listener to the local people. As Religious it seems to come naturally in our connections with people, particularly those who are on the edge. Surprisingly, this Cardinal asked us to listen deeply to what is happening in our local areas and challenged us with the question: “who are you listening to?” It is in generative listening that local initiatives happen in ecological actions, active social outreach, response to local issues that affect society such as the economic impact on couples and families. Our faith is integrated into our social fabric through listening. 

Might that be something we can each attend to in this Lenten journey together – to examine each day, who we listen to and how we listen? In entering into dialogue, the conversion of heart can be profound.

Br Gerard Brady CFC,

President, Catholic Religious Australia.