This Christmas, amid conflict & chaos, our lives must speak of hope, peace, love

CRA President, Fr Peter Jones OSA.

To believe in the depth of what Christmas affirms requires graced courage, writes CRA President Fr Peter Jones OSA. In Christ, God fully took on our fragile human nature and has transformed us. A lot of what the world is facing at present seems to contradict belief in transformation and redemption. The present major conflicts seem to be the antithesis of the peace of the manger of Bethlehem as is represented in the cribs which speak to us in this season. 

Yet in the context of the story in the Gospel of Matthew, the family of Jesus are on the move because of persecution. God is incarnate into chaos and disturbance. Wise ones come from afar because they are aware of a Wisdom greater than their own. We come from afar as we are to the Christmas mystery. Our particular witness and mission as religious, as much as we would appreciate what is calm and ordered, has to be real in a world that both suffers and rejoices, mourns and celebrates, hates and loves.  

And in all this our lives must speak of hope, of the new, of peace, of love. 

Within the ecclesial community, Pope Francis boldly proclaims the synodal way. With people of goodwill, we are called to witness that synodality – being and walking together – which is wider than just a Church concern - it is the vocation to which humanity is called.  

As the end of the year draws near together, with the other members of the CRA Council and the CRA team.  I wish each of you and those you care for a blessed and peaceful celebration of Christmas. Thank you for your consistent and courageous commitment to Christ and humanity.