Volunteering is loving God and others: Sr Philomena

Sr Philomena O’Halloran RSJ. PHOTO: Catholic Healthcare website.

In celebrating National Volunteer Week last month, Catholic Healthcare expressed its gratitude to the volunteers who selflessly give their time to those in need, ensuring they are seen, heard, and acknowledged.

In the corridors of residential aged care home, Gertrude Abbott Aged Care Surry Hills, Sister Philomena O’Halloran RSJ moves among those in need, epitomising the essence of selfless service.

For seven decades of her life, she had dedicated herself to the Josephite order in testament to the enduring power of faith and love in action.

‘Her story is a beacon of light in a world that often forgets the value of quiet, steadfast service.' Hugo Fernandes, Pastoral Care Coordinator.

Her journey from the rolling hills of County Clare, Ireland, to the bustling streets of Sydney, Australia, launched her tapestry of service and commitment.

Since 2006, her story of courage, change, and the enduring spirit of community continues within the walls of Gertrude Abbott.

Her gentle presence not only uplifts the spirits of countless residents and employees but also embodies Catholic Healthcare's values of upholding the dignity and sanctity of life for all.

As Sr Philomena marks her 70th anniversary, the community celebrates her unwavering commitment and the profound impact she has made, touching souls and healing hearts with her boundless love and dedication.

'It is a gift and a privilege to serve the residents of this place with love. Volunteering is fulfilling Jesus’ command to love God and others,” said Sister Philomena.

This article was published on the Catholic Healthcare website.