'Walking together' and discernment underpin synodal gathering

CRA President, Fr Peter Jones OSA.

Clearly a significant event in the life of the universal Church in these days is the first period of the Synod on Synodality. Along with other groupings in the Church , religious have been actively engaged in the preceding consultations. The themes of communion , participation and mission have been embedded in our reflections, discussions and contributions. The humble offering of our experiences of synodality in religious life as well as allowing ourselves to be challenged by the wisdom of the broader ecclesial community have been part of the preparation process. 

Pope Francis in his remarks has highlighted two crucial aspects of the synodal gathering. 

One is the ‘walking together’ - the importance of listening and of expressing one’s  perspective with confidence, courage and humility and concern for the good of the whole.

The other is that of the focus on discernment of God’s direction for us which is implicit in Francis’ plea to listen to the voice of Spirit. This is at a level deeper than just expressing what I personally think should be - it is a genuine discernment in faith and with wisdom as to where we as Church in the world and times in which we live are being called.

In these days we keep our sisters and brothers gathered in Synod and indeed the whole Church in prayer. 

Fr Peter Jones OSA,

President, Catholic Religious Australia.