We must become small like Jesus in the stable: Pope Francis

To meet God we must reach Him where he is; we need to lower ourselves, to make ourselves small, like Jesus did by coming to birth in a stable, says Pope Francis. 

Pope Francis made this remark as he received three delegations from the Italian villages of Sutrio, and Rosello, and from Guatemala, who gifted the Vatican with this year's Christmas tree and two nativity scenes. 

Pope Francis contemplates the ‘smallness’ of Jesus in the crib at the Vatican’s nativity scene. PHOTO: Vatican Media.

The two crèches, installed in St Peter’s Square and in the  Paul VI Audience Hall,  were unveiled during the traditional  Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony which took place the Hall and not in St Peter's Square  due to bad weather. 

After thanking the delegations, and in particular those involved in their making, Pope Francis drew attention to the significance and the symbolism behind the Christmas Tree and crib.   

“The tree, with its lights”, he said, reminds us of Jesus who comes to illuminate our darkness, our existence often locked up in the shadow of sin, fear and pain”.  

But it also suggests the idea that, like trees we need roots, “solid foundations” to remain firm, grow and resist the winds of life. It is therefore important “to cherish the roots, in life as in faith”, Pope Francis said. 

He then reflected on the significance of the crib , which “speaks to us of the birth of the Son of God who became Man to be close to each one of us”. 

"In its genuine poverty", the Pope said "the nativity scene helps us to rediscover the true richness of Christmas”, a different Christmas “from the consumerist and commercial one”. It helps us “to become intimate with God, with the fragile simplicity of a small newborn, with the meekness of his being laid down, with the tender affection of the swaddling clothes that surround him”. 

The Pope therefore invited people to rediscover the surprise and amazement of littleness through the nativity scene, "the littleness of God, who makes himself small, who is not born in the splendour of appearances, but in the poverty of a stable”.

This article by Lisa Zengarini was published by Vatican News.