A prayer for volcano victims, families, rescuers

A tourist captures the explosion of the volcano on White Island, New Zealand. PHOTO: Michael Schade/Twitter.

A tourist captures the explosion of the volcano on White Island, New Zealand. PHOTO: Michael Schade/Twitter.

The Brigidine Sisters have provided a short prayer on their website to help us as we keep in our thoughts and prayers all who’ve lost their lives, those suffering horrific burns and injuries, the missing and the rescuers working in extremely difficult circumstances following the volcano tragedy on New Zealand’s White Island.

“We also hold in our care all the people of New Zealand at this very traumatic time,” the Sisters say.

God of all life, the extraordinarily destructive power of this volcano confronts us with many unanswered questions. We gather up in prayer the lives of all affected by this event on White Island in the beautiful country of New Zealand.

Nothing is ever hidden from you and you understand all that is mystery to us. Through the elements of that island and its surrounds – the air, the wind, the sounds and the waters, bring peace for those who have perished there and healing and hope for the survivors and rescuers. Amen.

This was published on the website of the Brigidine Sisters.