O Come Emmanuel - into a world that needs you

The Redemptorists have tapped into current events over the past year, such as the bushfires, the Christchurch shootings, and youth-led climate change rallies in a video Christmas card which prompts us to reflect on our ongoing need for the coming of Emmanuel in our world.

Entitled ‘Christmas - Now and Forever’, the video, which features a beautifully sung version of ‘O Come Emmanuel’, shows us that the world needs Jesus Christ to enter lives and hearts in today’s world just as much it did 2000 years ago.

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“None of us get to choose where we are born. Each of us enters into this world in a particular time and culture. It was no different for Jesus,” the video says.

“One of the beauties of Jesus’ life and enduring message is that while he was brought into this world at a certain point in history, into a particular culture, his message and love transcends time and cultures.

“His message cannot be tamed by those who wish to exclude. His love cannot be made small by groups who presume that only those most like us are deserving of love and acceptance.

“The Christmas message is too big for that.”

The video says that throughout his life Jesus remained open to everyone and everything.

“Open to life, open to vulnerability, open to the mystery that each human being experiences in the background and foreground of their lives,” it says.

“This Christmas let us open our hearts to the call of peace, the call of love, the call of Christmas. O come Emmanuel now and forever.”

Check out the Christmas card video on the website of the Redemptorists of Oceania, (from where you can send it to your family or friends), or click below to play on YouTube.