Pope Francis addresses global concerns and artificial intelligence on the 57th World Day of Peace

CRA draws attention to the Message of Pope Francis for the celebration of the World Day of Peace (1 January 2024), entitled “Artificial Intelligence and Peace”.

CRA invites its Members and associates to share this document with those in their congregations and ministries.

Pope Francis Message and greeting of peace is addressed to “God’s People, the various nations, heads of state and government, the leaders of the different religions and civil society, and all the men and women of our time”.

In his Message, Pope Francis urges us to reflect on the great opportunities that come with the technological advances of our age whereby artificial intelligence can be used for the benefit of the human family. He also urges us to be vigilant and responsive to the ethical complexities and moral dangers relating to the misuse of such technology.

The Pope expresses his hope that “progress in developing forms of artificial intelligence will ultimately serve the cause of human fraternity and peace. It is not the responsibility of a few but of the entire human family. For peace is the fruit of relationships that recognize and welcome others in their inalienable dignity, and of cooperation and commitment in seeking the integral development of all individuals and peoples.”

Progress that serves human fraternity and peace “is not the responsibility of a few but of the entire human family.”

The Pope continues:

“It is my prayer at the start of the New Year that the rapid development of forms of artificial intelligence will not increase cases of inequality and injustice all too present in today’s world, but will help put an end to wars and conflicts, and alleviate many forms of suffering that afflict our human family.

“May Christian believers, followers of various religions and men and women of good will work together in harmony to embrace the opportunities and confront the challenges posed by the digital revolution and thus hand on to future generations a world of greater solidarity, justice and peace.”

Continue reading Pope Francis’ Message for World Day of Peace 2024 at the Vatican website, and please share with your networks.