Religious leaders explore 'the gift of hope' together at Rome gathering

Women and men Congregational Leaders from around the world met at Sacrofano, on the outskirts of Rome last month, to reflect upon the recent Synod on Synodality and to hear the wisdom of those who had participated in the Synod, writes Sr Monica Cavanagh RSJ.

The 270 participants at the November 27-29 gathering came from each continent, representing many cultures and institutes.  Like the Synod participants, we gathered in table groups – four women and four men engaging in ‘Conversations in the Spirit’.  The theme of the Gathering “Synodality – a Renewed Call to the Prophecy of Hope”.  An insight into the experience of the Synodal Assembly (

The Oceania Group at the UISG gathering in Rome – Joachim Rego (Passionists)  John Larsen (Marists Fathers) Peter Clinch (Christian Brothers) Monica Cavanagh (Josephite) Margaret Anne Mills (Sisters of Compassion) Mark Hilton (Brother of the Sacred Heart). PHOTO: Supplied.

The first day was devoted to exploring the experience of those who had participated.  Topics included:

·        Sharing the experience of the Synod on Synodality

·        The aspects of the content of the Synod that emerged for participants,

·        The challenges for Consecrated Life from the Synodal experience

While four areas appeared in the synthesis document, presenters shared other insights which they considered significant for Religious.  Sr Mary Barron OLA, the current president of UISG, was one of the presenters.  Her reflection can be found here:

On the second day, we had an audience with Pope Francis and then moved into a reflection on ‘Prophecy of Hope’.  We were given the opportunity to firstly share in small groups on the signs of hope that we see in our society and in the church, naming places from our experience calling for hope today.

Following this we listened to two presentations from current leaders and what the renewed call to the prophecy of hope meant within their reality.  I found this a very moving experience.  Sr Miriam Altenhofen, Holy Spirit Sisters Leader and Fr Miguel Marquez, Carmelite Brother both spoke of the reality of having members living and ministering in Ukraine and how the community responded to the current conflict. 

Australian Religious leaders at the UISG gathering – Joachim Rego (Passionists) Peter Clinch (Christian Brothers) Monica Cavanagh (Josephite) Mark Hilton (Brother of the Sacred Heart). PHOTO: Supplied.

Sr Miriam talked about how, in Germany, one community of seventy elderly Sisters had to move to two other care facilities and how they were willing to do so for the common good with gracious acceptance.  When one of their sisters, Sr Veronica was shot in Sudan, the community left with the refugees and have now told her they are ready to go back even though it is risky to be with the people. Another precious gift was being a member of a round table during the synodal experience.

Fr Miguel used images to engage us – the children in Syria where he has a community playing on a tree with the rubble of destruction all around and two Sisters in the Philippines who had been in prison in China. In India where the government closed down a monastery an 86-year-old Sister remarked that ‘my monastery is Jesus and I will go where I have to’. In a town in Columbia where there are no movie theatres so one of the brothers created a space where he sells tickets free to provide a moment of relaxation for people. We then engaged in conversation around what was moving within us as we listened.  Another brother in the room shared how just two weeks ago one of his young brothers had been stabbed to death in the Congo.

Another delight for me was connecting with the other leaders from Oceania: Margaret Anne Mills (Compassion Sisters NZ) and me, who made the long journey to be present and four men; Peter Clinch (Christian Brothers), Joachim Rego (Passionists), John Larsen (Marist Fathers) and Mark Hilton (Brothers of the Sacred Heart). All the male Leaders currently live in Rome. I also met a number of Leaders who have communities living in Australia.

Exploring the gift of hope together as Religious Leaders encouraged us to be active participants in the Jubilee year 2025, Pilgrims of Hope.

Sr Monica Cavanagh RSJ is the Congregational Leader of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart and a former president of CRA.